It is Saturday morning and I am hoping to enjoy my coffee before getting ready for is literally 6:45 am and the neighbor below has started up his buzz saw ! I can't believe it, how can anyone in their right mind think it's alright to operate loud machinery this early in the morning??? Okay,Okay, not to worry, I'll just close all the windows and move myself inside . AHHHH, peace and quiet, surrounded by my books on the couch and sipping the coveted coffee, I read: "A man tracks himself through life. One should be always on the trail of ones own deepest nature. For it is the fearless living out of your own essential nature that connects you to the DEVINE" and "Be resolutely and faithfully what you are, not who you think your should be." Henry David Thoreau Now, every once in awhile, I sometimes think, "hey maybe I should try that (let's say gardening)" . I invest a fair amount of money, time, and a lot of effort into planting a sensible garden. Now after a few weeks of watering and weeding my enthusiasm begins to dwindle and when, finally, the fruits of my labor appear it is less than impressive. Maybe enough for one or two I really like squash? or whatever else growing? Lesson learned. My passion is teaching, healing, writing and traveling ! It has taken most of my life to finally accept this as my "essential nature" and not become distracted by the many very noble and valid choices that float through cyber-space and into the receptive mind. When I dive deep into my passions they offer so many new adventures that I'll never be able to experience them all in this lifetime or, for that matter, in the many lifetimes to come.... Enjoy a recorded Shivasana recording by clicking on the audio bar to the right.....let me know how it works. All new to me. NAMASTE |